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17.9 C
martedì, Luglio 16, 2024

Tag: reception

Music in the Disruptive Era: the Digital, the Internet and Beyond

organized by Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca Lucca, Complesso Monumentale di San Micheletto 14-16 December 2019  

Beethoven the European

International Conference Lucca, 4-6 December 2020 Keynote Speakers Barry Cooper (University of Manchester) William Kinderman(University of California, Los Angeles)

Nineteenth-Century Programme Music: Creation, Negotations, Reception

edited by Jonathan Kregor, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (Speculum Musicae, 32), pp. XIV+ 490, ISBN 978-2-503-58346-4.  Contents The history of program music stretches back centuries, but only...

Music Criticism 1900-1950

edited by Jordi Ballester and German Gan Quesada, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (Music, Criticism & Politics, 7), pp. xiv+526, ISBN 978-2-503-58072-2. Contents This monograph focuses on the...

Massenet and the Mediterranean World

edited by Simone Ciolfi, Bologna, Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2015 (Ad Parnassum Studies, 7), ISBN: 978-88-8109-491-2. Essays by Mathias Auclair, Jean-Christophe Branger, Simone Ciolfi, Matthew Franke,...

Igor Stravinsky: Sounds and Gestures of Modernism

edited by Massimiliano Locanto, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014 (Speculum Musicae, 25), pp. XVIII + 494, ISBN 978-2-503-55325-2. Contents Published with the Assistance of Fondation Igor Stravinsky Bringing together...

Verdi Reception

edited by Lorenzo Frassà and Michela Niccolai, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013 (Studies on Italian Music History, 7), ISBN: 978-2-503-54615-5. Contents Organized in conjunction with the bicentenary...

Geminiani Studies

edited by Christopher Hogwood, Bologna, Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2013 (Ad Parnassum Studies, 6), ISBN: 978-88-8109-479-0. Essays by Gregory Barnett, Barra Boydell, Enrico Careri, Cheryll Duncan,...

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