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17.6 C
martedì, Luglio 16, 2024

Tag: performing

«En Pèlerinage avec Liszt»: Virtuosos, Repertoire and Performing Venues in 19th-Century Europe

edited by Fulvia Morabito, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014 (Speculum Musicae, 24), XVI+376, ISBN 978-2-503-55324-5. Contents In 2011 the musical world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth...

Vincenzo Manfredini, Regole armoniche

edited by Massimiliano Sala, facsimile of the 1775 Venice edition, with an annotated English translation by Robert Zappulla, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 (Musical Treatises, 1),...

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