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Search the Luigi Dallapiccola Collection

Ref. N.ShelfmarkTitleDetails
001LD Lett. 4 Mar. 001-007Collection of 6 letter and 1 Postal Card to Henri Martelli
  • LD Lett. 1 Mar. 1
Florence, October 12, 1948 Typed signed Letter to “Cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 22,5 cm width x 28,4 cm height. Watermark “EXTRA FORTE”.
  • LD Lett. 2 Mar. 2
(Florence) October 20, 1948 Typed signed Letter to “Très cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”.
  • LD Lett. 3 Mar. 3
Florence, December 29, 1948 Typed signed Letter to “Très cher ami,”, 2 pp. on a paper measuring 22,5 cm width x 28,4 cm height.
  • LD Lett. 4 Mar. 4
Florence, January 23, 1949 Autograph Letter to “Mon cher ami Martelli,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 22,3 cm width x 28,4 cm height.
  • LD Lett. 5 Mar. 5
(Florence) January 24, 1949 Typed signed Letter to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”.
  • LD Lett. 6 Mar. 6
(Florence) February 10, 1949 Typed signed Letter to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”. LD Lett. 7 Florence, June 7, 1950. To “Cher Monsieur”. A card measuring 6” width x 4” height 2 pp.
002LD Lett. 008Letter to Giancarlo CameranaLD Lett. 8 Letter to Giancarlo Camerana Florence, June 20, 1954; 1 Paper A4 Typed and signed letter to “Gentilissimo Dott. Camerana”.
003LD Lett. 009Letter to Otto de GreiffLD Lett. 9 Letter to Otto de Greiff January 8, 1955, Letter to “Pregiatissimo Signore”. 1 Paper letter measuring 14,6 cm. width x 22,8 cm. height. Watermark ‘ROMA TENAX / C. M. FABRIANO’
004LD Lett. 010Letter to Argo RecordsLD Lett. 10

Letter to Argo Records, 17 january 1953

January 14, 1955, Letter to “The Argo Record Company Limited”. 1 Paper letter measuring 14,8 cm. width x 21 cm. height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’

005LD Lett. 011Letter to “Cher ami Gradenwitz”LD Lett. 11

Florence, 22 May 1953 – 34, via Romana, Tél. 293.163

Letter to “Cher ami Gradenwitz”. 1 tissue paper letter measuring 17 cm. width x 25 cm. height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’’

006LD Lett. 012Letter to ‘Illustrissimo Signore’LD Lett. 12

Letter to ‘Illustrissimo Signore’, 14 January 1955

January 14, 1955, Letter to “Herrn Dr. Ludwig Wismeyer”. 1 Paper letter measuring 13,5 cm. width x 23 cm. height

008LD Lett. 014Letter to Dallapiccola, Hambourg 27 April 1959LD Lett. 14

Letter to Dallapiccola, Hambourg 27 April 1959

Hamburg, April 27, 1959. Letter from Rolf Libermann (“Monsieur Luigi Dallapiccola). 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

009LD Lett. 015Letter to Rolf LiebermannLD Lett. 15

Letter to Rolf Liebermann,

May 3, 1959, Letter to “Maestro Rolf Liebermann”. 1 Paper A4 letter. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG / C. M. FABRIANO”

010LD Lett. 016Letter to LiebermannLD Lett. 16

Letter to Liebermann,

1 July 1962, Letter to “Cher M. Liebermann; cher Ami:”. 1 Sheet letter measuring 21,2 cm width x 275 cm height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’

011LD Lett. 017Letter to DallapiccolaLD Lett. 17

Letter to Dallapiccola

Hamburg, August 22, 1962. Letter to “Maestro Luigi Dallapiccola. 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

012LD Lett. 018Letter to LiebermannLD Lett. 18

Letter to Liebermann,

April 27, 1963, Letter to “M. Liebermann; cher Ami:”. 1 Paper A4 letter. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG”

013LD Lett. 019 Ant.1-022 Ant. 4Grouping of 1 Typed and 3 Autograph Letters to Professor Irma Antonetto

LD Lett. 019 Ant.1-022 Ant. 4

Grouping of 1 Typed and 3 Autograph Letters Signed from the Italian Composer to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana regarding a speaking arrangement, dated April 1963 through January 1964

LD Lett. 19 Ant. 1

Florence, May 1, 1963

Typed signed Letter to “Cara Signorina Antonetto:”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG”

LD Lett. 20 Ant. 2

(Florence) April 27, 1963

Autograph signed Letter to “Cara Signorina,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 15,8 cm width x 22,6 cm height.

LD Lett. 21 Ant. 3

Florence, December 17, 1963

Autograph signed Letter to “Cara Signorina,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘SAPIENS”

LD Lett. 22 Ant. 4

Florence, January 16, 1964

Autograph signed Letter to “Gentile Signorina,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘SAPIENS

014LD Lett. 023Letter Card, 5 July 1966

LD Lett. 23

Letter Card, 5 July 1966

A Card to ‘Cher Monsieur Birker’. A card measuring 15,6 cm width x 10,3 cm height, with its envelope and stamp to ‘Herrn Heinz Birker’.

015LD Lett. 024Letter to Kwiatkowski
LD Lett. 24

Letter to Kwiatkowski, 15 March 1972

Florence, March 15, 1972. Letter to “Verehreter Herr Kwiatkowski,”. 1 sheet letter measuring 21,4 cm width x 27,8 cm height. Watermark ‘Sapiens’.

016LD Lett. 025Letter to Herr Uhrig
LD Lett. 25

Letter to Herr Uhrig

Florence, March 15, 1972. Letter to “Herr Uhrig”. 1 sheet letter measuring 21,4 cm width x 27,8 cm height. Watermark ‘Sapiens’.

017LD Lett. 026Letter to Gradenwitz
LD Lett. 26

Letter to Gradenwitz,

Florence, March 6, 1974. Letter to “Cher ami,”. 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

018LD Lett. 027 Mih. 1-Mih. 44 Autograph Letters to Marcel Mihalovici
LD Lett. 27 Mih. 1-Mih. 4

Collection of 4 Autograph Letters to Marcel Mihalovici

LD Lett. 27 Mih. 1

Florence, April 28, 1950

Autograph signed card to “Très cher ami,”; card measuring 15,6 cm width x 10,4 cm height.

Together with its envelope measuring 16,5 cm width x 10,4 cm height and addressed to”M. Marcel Mihalovici / 15, rue du Dragon / Paris, VI / Francia”

LD Lett. 28 Mih. 2

(Hamburg), January 20

Autograph signed letter to “Très cher ami,”; letter headed “Hotel Alster-hof Hamburg / in der esplanade 12 / Telefon: Ferngespräche 34 44 05 – Stadtgespräche 34 17 81-86” and measuring 15 cm width x 21 cm height.

Together with its envelope measuring 16,3 cm width x 11 cm height and addressed to “M. Marcel Mihalovici”

LD Lett. 29 Mih. 3

(Florence) September 10, 1969

Autograph signed Letter to “Mon très cher ami Marcel,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. With its envelope measuring 15,6 cm width x 12,6 cm height, addressed to “Maestro / Marcel Mihalovici / Albergo Senato / Piazza della Rotonda / Roma”

LD Lett. 30 Mih. 4

Florence, April 26, 1969

Autograph signed Card to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a card measuring 16,8 cm width x 11 cm height. With its enveloper measuring 17,5 cm width x 11,8 cm height addressed to “ M. Marcel Mihalovici / 15, Rue du Dragon / Paris, VI.e / Francia”

019LD Lett. 31 GradLetter to Peter Gradenwitz

LD Lett. 31 Grad

Florence, February 10, 1951

Signed letter to Peter Gradenwitz, tissue paper measuring 17,8 cm width x 28,6 cm height

020LD Lett. 32Florence, 18 May 1964

LD Lett. 32

Florence, 18 May 1964

Autograph signed letter from Luigi Dallapiccola to Rolf Liebermann, 1 p. in red ink on a paper measuring 22 x 28,5 cm. On the letter there is an autograph musical quotation from Dallapiccola, who has neatly penned 4 measures from the “iii Scena” of his Il prigioniero. The quotation in blue ink, the signature and identification in black ink. 22,5 x 9,5 cm.

021LD Lett. 33Hamburg, May 2, 1964

LD Lett. 33

Hamburg, May 2, 1964

Reply letter to LD Lett. 32 from Rolf Liebermann to Luigi Dallapiccola, tissue paper measuring 21 cm width x 29,5 cm height

Letter as a signed carbon copy, in French, in which Liebermann reports having consulted with the director of the orchestra regarding the changes suggested by Dallapiccola and proposes a variant for the German text that better fits the ‘prosodie’ i. e. speech melody.

022LD Lett. 34Letter to Rolf Liebermann

LD Lett. 34

Forte dei Marmi (Lucca), September 2, 1960

Typewritten letter to Rolf Liebermann, measuring 22 cm width x 28 cm height

Friendly letter to the director of the Hamburg State Opera in which Dallapiccola thanks him for his interest and explains that his opera ‘Ulisse’ is in progress.

023LD Lett. Lau 1Letter from Laura Dallapiccola to Marcel Mihalovici

LD Lett. Lau 1

1 Typed letter from Laura Dallapiccola to Marcel Mihalovici

Florence, April 12, 1968

Typed signed Letter to “Cher M. Mihalovici,”, 2 pp. on a paper measuring 15,6 cm width x 21,8 cm height.

024LD Lett. Lau 2Letter by Martelli to Laura Dallapiccola

LD Lett. Lau 2

Letter by Martelli to Laura Dallapiccola

Paris, February 20, 1975; Autograph signed Letter to “Chere Madame,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 17,8 cm width x 21 cm height.

025LD Mem. 1Postal Card to “Madame Henri Martelli”

LD Mem. 1

Postal Card to “Madame Henri Martelli” from Luigi Dallapiccola, Gian Francesco Malipiero, Elsa Collaer, Roberto Gerhard, Henri Martelli, Paul Collin. Card measurign 15 cm. Width x 10,4 cm. height.

026LD Mem. 2Greetings Card to “Ihnen, und der Staatskapelle Dresden”

LD Mem. 2

Florence, December 31, 1973. Greetings Card to “Ihnen, und der Staatskapelle Dresden” measuring 17 cm width x 11 cm height.

027LD Mem. 3Greetings Card to “Tous mes vœux”

LD Mem. 3

January 04, 1975. Greetings Card to “Tous mes vœux” measuring 17 cm width x 11 cm height.

028LD Mem. 4Greetings Card to “À Monsieur Bent Lylloff”

LD Mem. 4

February 24, 1974. Greetings Card to “À Monsieur Bent Lylloff” [Danish composer and percussionist], with music quotation from “Il Prigioniero”, measuring 13,7 cm width x 9,4 cm height.

029LD Mem. 5Signed Libretto “Ulisse”.

LD Mem. 5

Signed Libretto “Ulisse”. Milano, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1968. Inscription on the titlepage to the conductor Vittorio Gui (1885-1975): “Al carissimo Vittorio Gui, con antica ammirazione, con antica amicizia. Maggio 1975, Luigi Dallapiccola”. 48 pp.

030LD Mem. 6Greetings Card March 24, 1957

LD Mem. 6

New York, March 24, 1957. Greetings Card measuring 13,6 cm width x 8,6 cm height.

031LD Mem. 7Photo and inscription

LD Mem. 7

Photo and inscription in black ink measuring 16,4 cm width x 23,5 cm height, mounted for fine white display.

032LD Mem. 8Signed album page

LD Mem. 8

Signed album page (with typed letters) 21,2 cm width x 30,8 cm height, mounted for fine display with a photograph, shows Dallapiccola as pianist, signed in blank ink.

033LD Mem. 9Signed vintage semi glossy photograph

LD Mem. 9

February 1972; signed vintage semi glossy photograph of Dallapiccola’s portrait 12 cm width x 18 cm height, signed and inscribed in blue fountain pen to “Herrn Prof. Peter Mück”.

034LD Mem. 10Concert Programme, 28 October 1955

LD Mem. 10

Concert Programme, 28 October 1955, Conductor Hermann Scherchen

035LD Mem. 11First Edition of ‘Canti di Liberazione’

LD Mem. 11

First Edition of Luigi Dallapiccola’s Canti di Liberazione, voice and piano score by Pietro Scarpini. Autograph signed from Luigi Dallapiccola to Eigel Kruttge: «Al Dott. Eigel Kruttge, Con animo profondamente / grato e con la convinzione di aver trovato un / amico. / Luigi Dallapiccola /Köln, il 28 ottobre 1955.».

036LD Aut. 1Autograph musical quotation from ‘Sex carmina Alcaei’

LD Aut. 1

An autograph musical quotation by Dallapiccola, who has neatly penned in black 9 detailed measures in 4 voices, «Canon cancrizans» from his Sex carmina Alcaei, iii ‘Canones Diversi’, signed and dated 2 July 1943. 37 × 12,5 cm

040LD Aut. 5Ulisse. Autograph musical manuscript sketch

LD Aut. 5

Ulisse. Autograph musical manuscript sketch in full score for «Il Regno dei Cimmeri» from the first act (scene iv) of Ulisse. 1963. Folio. Three large sheets taped together to make one continuous sheet, each approximately 33 × 31,2 cm, written on one side only. Notated in pencil with annotations in coloured crayon and additional pencilling. In the first folio there is a date in Dallapiccola’s hand, 2-4 March 1963, and with a later autograph inscription in the last folio to the American harpsichordist Howard Schott dated Milan, 15 June 1964: «Al caro amico ritrovato / Howard M Schott! / Con affetto. / LD. / Milano (!) / 15/6/1964». 

037LD Aut. 2Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketchleaf

LD Aut. 2

Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketchleaf for chorus and orchestra. In condensed score. Dedicated to the musicologist and collector Otto de Greiff and dated 8 January 1955: «Al signor Otto de Greiff, / questo studio per i / “Canti di liberazione”, / Firenze, / 8 / 1 / 1955 Luigi Dallapiccola». In Folio (30,5 × 24,8 cm). One page. Notated in ink on 24-stave paper, with alterations and corrections in ink and pencil. With an earlier date in Dallapiccola’s hand to upper margin: 8 Nov. 1954. Together with LD Lett. 9.

039LD Aut. 4Ulisse. Autograph musical sketch leaf

LD Aut. 4

Ulisse. Autograph musical sketch leaf signed in full and inscribed. A study for «Il Regno dei Cimmeri» from the first act (scene iv) of Ulisse. Short score, with one singing and one speaking chorus. 2 pp. on one leaf. Oblong folio (ca. 25 × 35,6 cm). Dated: Summer 1962. Notated in pencil and black ink on paper with 18-stave printed music paper. Unpaginated. With original autograph envelope addressed to Hans Roest: «À Monsieur Hans Roest, / cette étude pour mon opéra / in progress (“Odysseus”), / très cordialement, / Luigi Dallapiccola / été 1962»

038LD Aut. 3Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketch leaf

LD Aut. 3

Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketch leaf signed in full and inscribed. «Al Dott. Eigel Kreuttge, / con animo grato, questo / abbozzo offre il / Suo / Luigi Dallapiccola / Firenze, 1° novembre 1955». Short score, with six singing voices. 2 pp. on one leaf. (ca. 27,2 × 34,8 cm). Notated in pencil and black ink on paper with 24-stave printed music paper.