TWELVE DUETTOS | With an Accompanyment for the | PIANO-FORTE | Composed and Dedicated to | HER EXCELLENCY THE MARCHIONESS GHERARDINI | LITTA | By Signor Bonifacio Asioli | CORREGGIANO. | [left:] Entered at Stationers Hall. [right:] Price 10.|S 6.|d | London, Printed by R.|t Birchall, N.|o 133 New Bond Street.| where may be had by the same Author. | La Partenza by Metastasio Op. 2 and Six Notturni & Two Eco’s. | with an Accompaniment for the Harp Op. 3 Pr. each 10|s 6
- RISM N.: 1001293268
- Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 42