Ad Parnassum Vol. 20 – No. 38 – April 2022 pp. 112
Michael Talbot
Two Unsuspected New Violin Sonatas by Tomaso Albinoni in the Estensische Musikalien
Nieves Pascual León
La fuerza del natural: un primer baile madrileño en la producción de Vicente Martín y Soler
James Porter
Crepuscular Ossianism and Two Symphonic Poems: Self-Reflection and Political Commitment in Nicolò Celega’s Il cuore di Fingal (1895) and Adolphe Biarent’s Trenmor (1905)
Anatole Leikin
Joan Grimalt, Mapping Musical Signification
Giulia Giovani
Music Patronage in Italy
María Encina Cortizo
Anna G. Piotrowska, From Gypsy to Bohemian: A Study of the Musical Rhapsody
Galliano Ciliberti
Tobias C. Weißmann, Kunst Klang Musik. Die Festkultur der europäischen Mächte im barocken Rom
Michael Klaper
Luigi Cherubini: A Multifaceted Composer at the Turn of the 19th Century
Galliano Ciliberti
Spectacle et performances artistiques à Rome (1644-1740). Une analyse historique à partir des archives familiales de l’aristocratie = Spettacoli e ‘performance’ artistiche a Roma (1644-1740): analisi storica attraverso gli archivi delle famiglie aristocratiche
Federico Gon
Giuseppe Tartini. Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents. Volume / Knjiga / Volume I-II
Books Received
Index of Names