Ad Parnassum Journal – Vol. 21 – No. 40- April 2023


Beverly Jerold

Equal Temperament and Johann Sebastian Bach’s Music

Fabrizio Ammetto, Francisco Javier Lupiáñez Ruiz, Luis Miguel Pinzón Acosta

The Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works of Johann Georg Pisendel (PW): II. The Orchestral Music

Alison Sanders McFarland

British Exoticism in Imagination and Experience

Mark McFarland

Reflections of Debussy’s Le martyre de Saint-Sébastien in His Second Book of Preludes


David Rowland

Tom Beghin, Beethoven’s French Piano: A Tale of Ambition and Frustration

Simone Laghi

Giuseppe Tartini, L’arte dell’arco

Warwick Lister

Danilo Prefumo, Paganini: His Life, Works, and Times

Federico Gon

La tradizione violinistica italiana nel ’700


Guido Olivieri

Francesco Esposito, «Fin qui ho parlato…»: a condicao profissional dos musicos na Lisboa oitocentista e outros ensaios


Books Received


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Transformations and Reconfigurations in 20th-Century Music
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