Ad Parnassum Journal – Vol. 20 – No. 39- October 2022


Fabrizio Ammetto, Francisco Javier Lupiáñez Ruiz, Luis Miguel Pinzón Acosta

The Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works of Johann Georg Pisendel (PW): I. The Chamber Music

Rodolfo Faistauer

Performing Schubert: An Eighteenth-Century Approach to His Piano Sonata in A major D. 959


Peter Asimov

Rebecca Cypess, Women and Musical Salons in the Enlightenment

Mariateresa Storino

Alexander Stefaniak, Becoming Clara Schumann: Performance Strategies and Aesthetics in the Culture of the Musical Canon

Jules Cavalié

Denis Herlin, Claude Debussy: Portraits et Études

Galliano Ciliberti

Étienne Jardin, Exposer la musique. Le festival di Trocadéro (Paris 1878)

François Delécluse

François de Médicis, La maturation artistique de Debussy dans son contexte historique (1884-1902)

Joan Grimalt

Haydn’s Last Creative Period

Galliano Ciliberti

Saverio Franchi, Annali della stampa musicale romana dei secoli XVI-XVIII, vol. II/1: Edizioni di musica pratica dal 1651 al 1670; vol. II/2: Edizioni di musica pratica dal 1651 al 1670. Indici e repertorio annalistico 1671-1800

Barry Cooper

String Quartets in Beethoven’s Europe

Federico Gon

Giulia Giovani, Tra Napoli e Parigi. Storie di una migrazione libraria


Roberto De Caro


Books Received


Index of Names

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