The Theatres of Sylvano Bussotti

edited by Daniela Tortora, Turnhout, Brepols, 2020 (Contemporary Composers, 3), pp. xxiv+604, ISBN: 978-2-503-58952-7.



The première of Sylvano Bussotti’s La Passion selon Sade occurred fifty years ago in Palermo during the fifth edition of “Settimane Internazionali Nuova Musica” (5 September 1965). La Passion selon Sade was the first theatrical work of Sylvano Bussotti, the first of a long and very impressive list of operas.

The theatrical bent of the Florentine composer proceeded uninterrupted since then, developing through many phases (among them, the well-known Bussottioperaballet) and it has included a multitude of arts, texts, languages, artists, musicians, performers, choreographers, dancers, mimes, actors, producers and theatres: all of which constitute a large heritage from which it is possible to draw both from an historical and operational point of view.

This first monograph about The Theatres of Sylvano Bussotti will encompass all the theatrical activity of Sylvano Bussotti from La Passion selon Sade through today, including cinema, theatre and the artistic management of lyric theatre

Daniela Tortora lives in Roma and teaches History and Aesthetics of Music at the Conservatory S. Pietro a Majella of Napoli. Her main works are studies and researches in the fields of the musical dramaturgy of 19th– and 20th-century Italian Opera. She directs the musicological series of books “I discorsi della musica” from the publisher Aracne of Rome.

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