Nieves Pascual León
Tres suites de danzas para conjunto instrumental: nueva contribución a la gura de W. C. Printz (1641-1717) en el tercer centenario de su fallecimiento
Giorgia Malagò
Le lettere di Giuseppe Tartini come fonte per la storia dell’insegnamento strumentale
Zsuzsanna Domokos
Sursum corda: The Programme of Death and the Eternal Life in Liszt’s Années de Pèlerinage Thirs Year and in some Late Works around It
Stephanie Klauk: Boccherini Studies. Volume 5
Maria João Albuquerque: Francesco Esposito, «Un Movimento Musical como nunca houve em Portugal».
Associativismo musical e vida concertística na Lisboa liberal (1822-1853)
Stefania Gitto: Il cavaliere Ferdinando Giorgetti musicista romantico a Firenze
Federico Gon: Steven Vande Moortele, The Romantic Overture and Musical Form from Rossini to Wagner
Nancy November: David Beach, Schubert’s Mature Instrumental Music
Chiara Pelliccia: Reflections of an American Harpsichordist: Unpublished Memoirs, Essays, and Lectures of Ralph Kirkpatrick
Giovanna Carugno: Un’orchestra sopportabile. La musica strumentale italiana tra xviii e xix secolo