Ad Parnassum Journal – Vol. 16 – No. 31 – April 2018 pp. 128


Graham Pont
Handel’s Extempore

Erica Buurman
Three Symphonies in One Year? Beethoven’s Sketches of 1812

Susan Wollenberg
A Look (back) at Clementi’s Sonatinas for Piano, Op. 36 (1797)

Mathieu Schneider
Le paysage comme narration. Ou de la Symphonie alpestre de Richard Strauss comme ‘symphonie à paysage’


Mariateresa Storino
Franz Liszt, Wagner: «Tannhäuser», «Lohengrin», «Il Vascello fantasma»

Federico Gon
Warren Roberts, Rossini and Post-Napoleonic Europe

Elisabetta Righini
Franz Liszt e Jessie Taylor Laussot Hillebrand. Un capitolo inedito della storia musicale dell’Ottocento

Davide Mingozzi
Federico Gon, Scolaro sembra dell’Haydn. Il problema dell’influenza di Haydn su Rossini


Rohan H. Stewart-MacDonald (1975-2017)


Books Received


Index of Names

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