«En Pèlerinage avec Liszt»: Virtuosos, Repertoire and Performing Venues in 19th-Century Europe

edited by Fulvia Morabito, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014 (Speculum Musicae, 24), XVI+376, ISBN 978-2-503-55324-5.


In 2011 the musical world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt. Composer, itinerant piano virtuoso, organist and conductor, Liszt was one of the greatest protagonists in the vast and complex arena of nineteenth-century European music. The 17 contributions that make up the volume, by an array of international scholars, pay homage to the great Hungarian musician while producing insight into the musicians, repertoire, events and venues that inhabited contemporary musical life.

The chapters are grouped according to four principal subjects: 1. Franz Liszt’s life and work: new evidence and perspectives; 2. Liszt’s influence on the European musical scene; 3. The musical journey of the xix-Century Europe; The ‘Sound’ of  xix-Century Europe.

The contributors to the volume are: Victoria Alemany, Nicolas Dufetel, Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Francisco José Fernández Vicedo, David Gasche, Florence Gétreau, David Hurwitz, Sabine Koch, Mark Kroll, Ana Maria Liberal, Sandra Myers, Anne Penesco, Rui Pereira, Leon Plantinga, Siegwart Reichwald, Laure Schnapper, Renata Suchowiejko, Jeroen van Gessel.

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